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What does a Romance Coach do anyways?

Hello, My name is Josie

McEwen, and I am a Romance Coach and Founder of Romance Enhanced Consulting.

I specialize in strengthening marriages through helping you bring in more romance and connection into your marriage, even if you are not the romantic type.

I absolutely love to plan creative romantic dates, events, getaways, romantic gifts, give marriage tips, that are all catered to you and your spouse! So you can get the benefits of having more connection and romance in your marriage, without all the hard work!

Fun Fact about Me:

I have always been a hopeless romantic and love planning out romantic dates for my husband and for friends and family as well.

I decided to start my romance coaching “when my not romantic husband told me one day- you are so good at being romantic, man if I could pay someone like you to help me look romantic I totally would!" That is where my business idea got started- I decided to take two things that I love helping people and creating amazing romantic dates and created this fun business to help others strengthen their marriage.

Through these blogs posts I hope to provide you with easy romantic tips and easy love language tips to help you connect on deeper and meaningful level with your spouse. I will also be sharing easy tips to help you create a marriage of your dreams.

Do any of these issues sound familiar to you or maybe what you are experiencing

“I feel unloved in my marriage”, “I feel unappreciated by my spouse”, “The spark that I once felt for my spouse is gone” or “We are married, but we feel so distant from each other” “My marriage feels broken” “ Our marriage is boring and stale”

Fact: Every marriage struggles at different times, with different things. Some are able to work through their issues but sadly more then ½ end up in divorce.

If you have felt this way or are feeling this way I want to tell you there is hope that you can feel in love with your spouse again!

There's no better time than right now, to consistently improve and strengthen your marriage by bringing in romance and really connecting with your spouse! In fact, if you choose to procrastinate or put off not working on your marriage, then in time you may not have much of a marriage left.

Checkout this fun marriage webinar that compares owning a car to your marriage!

Marriage Webinar on owning a car and being married
Fun Marriage Webinar to help your marriage!

I also have developed 7 classy bedroom games that will help you continually build up your marriage relationship and are a great romantic gift for your sweetheart as well. These bedroom games focus on the emotional connection which is usually what women crave with intimacy and the physical foreplay aspects of intimacy as well, which is usually what men crave with intimacy. When playing these games you will build your relationship in fun and sexy ways that you both will enjoy! To find the perfect romantic gift for your wife or husband for birthdays, anniversaries, Christmas, Valentines or just because you want to reconnect on deeper level- click here.

Along with Done for you Romantic Gifts for couples I also find great joy in planning romantic dates, anniversaries, romantic getaways, and romantic bedroom experiences. My favorite service is to provide couples with a Year of Romance that is all done for them.

Here are some examples of couples that I have helped!

I had a husband come to me wanting to do something special for his wife’s birthday, but did not know what to do. He had planned a surprise getaway to a hotel, but wanted something really romantic when they got there. I guided to one of my favorite bedroom games - that I designed to help women really enjoy intimacy as well. It is called The Sexy Wife May I Bedroom game. This game completely spoils the wife and also focuses on the female sexual response of slow to warm up! It also has lots physical and emotional ways to connect with your spouse. Emotional connection is what most women crave with intimacy.

The husband later wrote to tell me because of the game that he had bought, his wife had said “That she had the best birthday that she had ever had! She said that also felt more in love and connected to her husband in ways that had been missing their relationship for along time.

Another example is : I also helped a poor couple plan a surprise anniversary date for her husband, on very little of a budget. She confided in me that she wanted to do something very special for her husband for their anniversary, but she had two problems 1- she had no idea what to do and 2- they were college poor. Through talking with her and discovering that one of her husbands love languages was quality time, I then helped her plan and implement a romantic scavenger hunt for her sweetheart of all the places that were important to them while dating such as there first place they met, and kissed and so forth… I also instructed her to show him love through his love language all throughout the day! They said it was such a special and romantic evening together and felt their love was renewed.

I also helped a couple that had felt like they had grown distant from one another in their 15 years of marriage. I helped them plan out a surprise romantic getaway, for his wife. On the way to the romantic getaway I had them play games that would help them reminisce about all the good times they have shared together and then also had some great conversation starters that they were able to discuss and work through some of their issues in a non confrontational way. I also suggested several ways for the husband to show his love to her in her love language and also simple and romantic things to do to spice up their trip. The both loved the trip and felt like they were able to reconnect again and felt happy in their marriage once again!

For more testimonials of couples I have helped click here

The best part about my getting a Romance Coach-

The Romance Coach does the work and you get the credit! You will be adore by your spouse for being so thoughtful and romantic, when all you did was just make a simple purchase!

My goal of this blog is to show you- Romance can be easy!

I also want to teach you how to make and create a marriage that works through the struggles and how to connect deeply with each other again, and I want you to feel like you are in love again with your spouse!

I also hope through this blog to help couples learn:

  • How to love your spouse in a way that they can receive through their love languages

  • How to be intentional in your marriage relationship

  • How to develop good maintenance habit to have a good marriage

  • How to be intimate to wives and husbands that are meaningful to them

  • How to be more romantic in your marriage- even if you are not the romantic type.

  • What is important to your spouse and relationship

  • How to strengthen your marriage through small and simple things

  • How to connect on an emotional level with your spouse in easy ways

  • How to connect with your spouse on a physical level that you both enjoy

  • How to reconnect with your spouse

This blog is for:

* the busy couple who wants to build their relationship but does not have time to come up with romantic dates or gifts.

* the spouse or couple who is constantly forgetting anniversaries, birthdays, important holidays

*the couple who wants to save time and money on gift for the both of you, that will be delivered throughout the year

* the couple or spouse who loves to be surprised with romantic things and gifts

* the couple who feels disconnected or distant from each other and want to improve that

* the couple who longs for emotional and physical connection with their spouse!

* the couple who feel like their intimacy is dull and boring and needs a pick me up

* the couple who feels like they are not feeling loved by their spouse.

* the couple whom one spouse has said they need and want more romance in their marriage, but do not know where to start or what to do, or one or both of them are not the romantic type.

* couples interested in improving and helping their marriages!

* couples who want to surprise their spouse and show them how romantic they can be

This blog is not for those that

*Will do nothing to improve their relationship

*or for those who will not try new things

*or the couple that is too prideful to accept help.

I look forward to this new blogging adventure with you. Please feel free to share these blogs with your spouse of friends and family that you think could benefit from it!


Learn more about Josue the Romance Coach at

Josie McEwen- Romance Coach and Founder of Romance Enhanced Consulting


Sign up to get great deals and discounts + get 30 Free Romantic Love Languages Tips,
from Josie The Romance Coach

All information received is confidential and will not be shared with anyone.

If you are interested or would like more information please email me at josie@romanceenhanced. com

or call me at 435-757-8229. However I will not start working on your event/ date  until full payment is received.  

I hope to hear from you soon.

Romance Enhanced Consulting

Lehi, UT


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