Have you ever thought...
"I wish I could pay someone do all the romantic stuff,
for me and I would get the benefit!"
Well this Valentine's Day your wish is being granted
by Josie the Romance Coach

As a Romance Coach at Romance Enhanced Consulting, I can make your life easy by providing romance for you- even if you are not the Romantic Type!
My name is Josie McEwen- Romance Coach and Founder of Romance Enhanced Consulting- where our Goal is to make Romance Easy for you!
I have always found joy and excitement planning romantic dates for me and my husband and also friends and family as well! I find great passion in helping others find romance and connection in their marriages.
I got my business idea from my non- romantic husband, who said to me one
"Man, I wish I could pay someone to help me look romantic!" after one of our romantic dates that I planned,
Dun- dun- that is where my idea started and I became a Romance Coach and started Romance Enhanced Consulting!
I absolutely love helping couples create more connection and romance in their marriages.