Year of Romantic Gifts sent to your door for every improtant holiday throughout the year! Not a typo
If you are not the romantic type but your spouse wants you to be more romantic, then I have the perfect gift idea to get for your sweetheart! It is called the Year of Romance Package. This may be the easiest and best gift you ever purchase for your marriage!
With this year of romance package you get romantic gifts sent to your door for every important holiday throughout the year, including your anniversary and your spouse’s birthday, plus you get a gift on your birthday too! You will also get a romantic gift for Christmas, Valentine's Day, Mother's Day, Father's Day and couple extra just for fun gifts as well. Also included in the awesome package deal is a romantic getaway that all planned out for you within a budget that you set.
You are probably saying... This has to be a typo or one of those too good to be true deals or this seems to easy... Well it is not! I am a romance coach and love to help couples reconnect in their marriages through bringing in more romance into their marriages, however I know this is not everyone’s strong suite. I have always been a hopeless romantic and I love helping people be happier as well. It brings me joy in planning romantic dates and gifts and I have an abundance of romantic ideas. Also did I mention for the month of May that this package is on sale for the lowest price it will ever be at?
So wait you’re are saying... all I have to do is make one purchase and answer some questions and,
1- I am out of the dog house for always forgetting to get a gift for important holidays and
2- I will be adored by spouse fore being thoughtful and romantic- all year long
3-And these gift will help us reconnect and help bring that spark back into our marriage again
4- A lot of the gifts throughout the year will help us have more great intimacy.
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